Sunday, February 3, 2013

Your body will thank you sooner than you think...

Okay, the first month of the year is officially gone.  Remember that a few weeks ago you made a series of promises to yourself?  Promises such as eating less junk food or exercising more to be able to lose some weight.  All of them very well intended and plausible intentions but... Where are you today in regards with your promises?  

We want to help you with your quest! Last time we talked about a couple of things we could do to start off the year in a good way and hopefully at this point you are already looking at things in a different way.  You know that it is healthier for you to choose meals with few ingredients (the fewer the better). We understand that there are occasions where eating fast food is unavoidable but if given a choice it is better to avoid fast food if possible because it usually contains a long list of components, most of which are highly processed and artificially created. 

Eating whole foods is a much better choice because this way you will put your body to work breaking down the components of the food you eat.  If you make a small change in your diet and you start consuming whole foods regularly, it will make a big difference to your body because it will help you change your metabolism: Did you know that eating whole foods forces your body to burn calories when it breaks down the food? And you get the benefits of the fiber, controlling cholesterol and improving your digestive system. But when you consume refined products the body does not have to work as much because most of the sugars are already processed and go directly to the blood stream; so instead of burning calories the response of the organism is to transform the excess sugar into fat. Let’s remember that 3,500 calories equals one pound of fat.

So, if we understand what we do, we are empowered to consciously change our eating habits, and because of that, we have a better chance of succeed in our intentions.  It is a good choice to choose to eat vegetables usually in a form of a salad, but we can make it a better choice - healthier and smarter- if we choose to eat a green leaf salad. Spinach or kale contains loads of iron and calcium which are good for you.  An iceberg lettuce salad is not a very good choice because  lettuce has a very low nutritional value (mostly composed of water).  Make it even better by seasoning it simply with oil and vinegar instead of a heavier blue cheese or ranch dressing.  Your body will thank you sooner than you think.

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